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The Mirror in the Mirror - Michael Ende, Kartoniert (TB)

The Mirror in the Mirror - Michael Ende, Kartoniert (TB)
12,99 €*
weltbild Zum Shop

Händler: weltbild

Versandinformationen: Versand kostenlos


The Mirror in the Mirror - Michael Ende's book is a fantastic story labyrinth of a very special kind. For the author himself, this work was of great importance: in interviews, he liked to call it his never-ending story for adult readers. The reader is taken into a mysterious narrative world, full of bizarre situations and mysterious fates, surreal images and philosophical thoughts. Those who open themselves in amazement to these enigmatic visions and allow themselves to be drawn into the fantastic stories will emerge from Michael Ende's magic labyrinth with a new perspective.The core question is: What is reflected in a mirror that is reflected in a mirror? If two readers read the same book, they are still not reading the same thing. For both people immerse themselves into the reading. The book becomes a mirror in which the reader is reflected. But in the same way, the reader is also a mirror in which the book is reflected: The mirror in the mirror refers the reader back to himself.The FAZ writes that Michael Ende shows with the book how much darkness, wildness and rawness is inherent in dreams. He does not trivialize. His dreams make reference to reality because in dreams, Cicero wrote, 'the remnants of those objects roll and tumble about in the souls which we have thought and impelled while awake'.
Weitere Eigenschaften
Versandkostenfrei Ja
Lieferzeit 4 Tage
Sofort lieferbar Ja
* Hinweise zu den Preisen: Alle Preise enthalten die für Deutschland geltende Mehrwertsteuer in Höhe von 19% und sind tagesaktuell. Dennoch weisen wir ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass aus technischen Gründen die bei angezeigten Preise von denen im Shop der Händler abweichen können. Zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufes ist der aktuell auf der Händlerseite angegebene Preis maßgeblich. Diese Website richtet sich ausschließlich an Bürger mit Wohnsitz in Deutschland.