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Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo, Kartoniert (TB)

Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo, Kartoniert (TB)
13,00 €*
weltbild Zum Shop

Händler: weltbild

Versandinformationen: Versand kostenlos


See the Grishaverse come to life on screen with the Netflix series, Shadow and Bone -- Season 2 streaming now! Meet Kaz Brekker and his crew: Jesper, Inej, Wylan, and the star-crossed Nina and Matthias, on the heist of a lifetime in Six of Crows from #1 bestselling author, Leigh Bardugo. Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price-and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can't pull it off alone. . . . A convict with a thirst for revenge. A sharpshooter who can't walk away from a wager. A runaway with a privileged past. A spy known as the Wraith. A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums. A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes. Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Kaz's crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction-if they don't kill each other first. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo returns to the breathtaking world of the Grishaverse in this unforgettable tale about the opportunity-and the adventure-of a lifetime. Read all the books in the Grishaverse! The Shadow and Bone Trilogy (previously published as The Grisha Trilogy) Shadow and Bone Siege and Storm Ruin and Rising The Six of Crows Duology Six of Crows Crooked Kingdom The King of Scars Duology King of Scars Rule of Wolves The Language of Thorns: Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic The Severed Moon: A Year-Long Journal of Magic The Lives of SaintsDemon in the Wood Graphic Novel
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Versandkostenfrei Ja
Lieferzeit 4 Tage
Sofort lieferbar Ja
* Hinweise zu den Preisen: Alle Preise enthalten die für Deutschland geltende Mehrwertsteuer in Höhe von 19% und sind tagesaktuell. Dennoch weisen wir ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass aus technischen Gründen die bei angezeigten Preise von denen im Shop der Händler abweichen können. Zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufes ist der aktuell auf der Händlerseite angegebene Preis maßgeblich. Diese Website richtet sich ausschließlich an Bürger mit Wohnsitz in Deutschland.