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Sechs Bücher über das Priestertum, Johannes Chrysostomus, PB, 1984, SVS Presse, Sehr guter Zustand

Sechs Bücher über das Priestertum, Johannes Chrysostomus, PB, 1984, SVS Presse, Sehr guter Zustand
27,00 €*
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EAN: 9780913836385

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Zustand: Sehr gut

Anmerkung des Verkäufers: Aside from some sun-fading to the spine and cover, this book is in excellent condition, intact and with clean pages, free from annotations and highlighting.

Standort des Anbieters: GB Hesketh Bank. Lancashire
Yet the rhetorical eloquence of the work is not simply camouflage for lack of substance. As Graham Neville observes in his Introduction, Chrysostom "had a mind both practical and idealistic, that brought into close connection the evils and injustices of the world and the perfection of moral life demanded by the gospel.".
Weitere Eigenschaften
Binding Paperback / softback
Artist St John Chrysostom
Date of Publication 20030901
Release Title Six Books on the Priesthood
Title Six Books on the Priesthood
Type Paperback / softback
EAN 9780913836385
ISBN 0913836389
Time Period Manufactured 1980-1989
Country/Region of Manufacture United States
Publication Year 2003
Format Paperback
Language English
Book Title On the Priesthood
Item Height 190mm
Author Saint Chrysostom John
Publisher ST Vladimir's Seminary Press,U.S.
Topic Theology, Christianity
Item Width 128mm
Item Weight 172g
Number of Pages 160 Pages
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