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Practical Vulnerability Management - Andrew Magnusson, Kartoniert (TB)

Practical Vulnerability Management - Andrew Magnusson, Kartoniert (TB)
31,00 €*
weltbild Zum Shop

Händler: weltbild

Versandinformationen: Versand kostenlos


Practical Vulnerability Management shows you how to weed out system security weaknesses and squash cyber threats in their tracks. Bugs: they're everywhere. Software, firmware, hardware -- they all have them. Bugs even live in the cloud. And when one of these bugs is leveraged to wreak havoc or steal sensitive information, a company's prized technology assets suddenly become serious liabilities. Fortunately, exploitable security weaknesses are entirely preventable; you just have to find them before the bad guys do. Practical Vulnerability Management will help you achieve this goal on a budget, with a proactive process for detecting bugs and squashing the threat they pose. The book starts by introducing the practice of vulnerability management, its tools and components, and detailing the ways it improves an enterprise's overall security posture. Then it's time to get your hands dirty! As the content shifts from conceptual to practical, you're guided through creating a vulnerability-management system from the ground up, using open-source software. Along the way, you'll learn how to: • Generate accurate and usable vulnerability intelligence • Scan your networked systems to identify and assess bugs and vulnerabilities • Prioritize and respond to various security risks • Automate scans, data analysis, reporting, and other repetitive tasks • Customize the provided scripts to adapt them to your own needs Playing whack-a-bug won't cut it against today's advanced adversaries. Use this book to set up, maintain, and enhance an effective vulnerability management system, and ensure your organization is always a step ahead of hacks and attacks.
Weitere Eigenschaften
Versandkostenfrei Ja
Lieferzeit 4 Tage
Sofort lieferbar Ja
* Hinweise zu den Preisen: Alle Preise enthalten die für Deutschland geltende Mehrwertsteuer in Höhe von 19% und sind tagesaktuell. Dennoch weisen wir ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass aus technischen Gründen die bei angezeigten Preise von denen im Shop der Händler abweichen können. Zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufes ist der aktuell auf der Händlerseite angegebene Preis maßgeblich. Diese Website richtet sich ausschließlich an Bürger mit Wohnsitz in Deutschland.