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Nate the Great and the Missing Birthday Snake - Free Tracked Delivery

Nate the Great and the Missing Birthday Snake - Free Tracked Delivery
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Join the world’s greatest detective, Nate the Great, as he solves the mystery of his friend’s missing pet snake! Perfect for beginning readers and the Common Core, this long-running chapter book series will encourage children to problem-solve with Nate, using logical thinking to solve mysteries! WILL THIS CASE SLITHER AWAY? Rosamond is having a birthday party for her cousin Lizzy! Nate the Great and his dog, Sludge, are invited. So are Lizzy’s four pet snakes. Nate believes that a good detective knows his limits. Nate does not want to go to a birthday party filled with dangerous, slimy guests.
Weitere Eigenschaften
ISBN 9781101934708
Publication Year 2018
Type Study Guide
Format Paperback
Language English
Book Title Nate the Great and the Missing Birthday Snake
Item Height 194mm
Author Andrew Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat
Publisher Random House USA INC International Concepts
Genre Children & Young Adults
Topic Friendship, Crime
Item Width 132mm
Number of Pages 80 Pages
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