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Love Is a Mix Tape - Rob Sheffield, Kartoniert (TB)

Love Is a Mix Tape - Rob Sheffield, Kartoniert (TB)
16,50 €*
weltbild Zum Shop

Händler: weltbild

Versandinformationen: Versand kostenlos


The happiest, saddest, sweetest book about rock 'n' roll that I've ever experienced.-Chuck Klosterman Mix tapes: We all have our favorites. Stick one into a deck, press play, and you're instantly transported to another time in your life. For Rob Sheffield, that time was one of miraculous love and unbearable grief. A time that spanned seven years, it started when he met the girl of his dreams, and ended when he watched her die in his arms. Using the listings of fifteen of his favorite mix tapes, Rob shows that the power of music to build a bridge between people is stronger than death. You'll read these words, perhaps surprisingly, with joy in your heart and a song in your head-the one that comes to mind when you think of the love of your life. Praise for Love is a Mixtape A memoir that manages, no small feat, to be funny and beautifully forlorn at the same time.-The New York Times Book Review Humorous, heartbreaking, and heroic.-Entertainment Weekly The finest lines ever written about rock 'n' roll . . . Like that song on the radio, every word of Rob's book is true. Love is a mix tape.-Rolling Stone Many of us use pop culture as a mirror of our emotional lives, but Sheffield happily walks right through the looking glass.-Los Angeles Times Sheffield writes with such aching remembering, you feel like you are invading his privacy . . . and it's the truth of those details that make this memoir so touching.-Newsweek
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Lieferzeit 4 Tage
Sofort lieferbar Ja
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