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Is Obama's 'Pivot to Asia' enough to maintain US Influence in East Asia? A look at Security Issues and the Senkaku Islands Dispute - Steve Micallef, Kartoniert (TB)

Is Obama's 'Pivot to Asia' enough to maintain US Influence in East Asia? A look at Security Issues and the Senkaku Islands Dispute - Steve Micallef, Kartoniert (TB)
54,99 €*
weltbild Zum Shop

Händler: weltbild

Versandinformationen: Versand kostenlos


The 20th century has been defined as the American Century, however, the history of the 21st century will be written in Asia. Today, East Asia is home to a third of the world's population and includes some of the world's largest economies. Hence the US has placed more emphasis on the region, to strengthen its economic ties and to show its long term allies that it has not forgotten about them. Disengagement from the Middle East and the rise of China have meant that the US has again turned its focus to the Asia-Pacific and East Asia, a region rife with old, long seated distrust and territorial disputes. This book will focus on how the US is executing its 'Pivot to Asia' focusing on the many security issues which it must deal with, both those involving its allies and those involving its strategic rivals. All while trying to maintain its influence over East Asia in the face of a rising China. Whilst the US is welcomed by some and unwelcomed by others, this book will try and determine whether the US's renewed interest will contribute to the prosperity of East Asia or whether the US will again be bogged down in a region where it is not welcomed.
Weitere Eigenschaften
Versandkostenfrei Ja
Lieferzeit 4 Tage
Sofort lieferbar Ja
* Hinweise zu den Preisen: Alle Preise enthalten die für Deutschland geltende Mehrwertsteuer in Höhe von 19% und sind tagesaktuell. Dennoch weisen wir ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass aus technischen Gründen die bei angezeigten Preise von denen im Shop der Händler abweichen können. Zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufes ist der aktuell auf der Händlerseite angegebene Preis maßgeblich. Diese Website richtet sich ausschließlich an Bürger mit Wohnsitz in Deutschland.